 An Early Winter


This special, US tour only CDr collects all of tik///tik's releases on Deathbomb onto one disc. Why? Because tik///tik is going to be out there, exploring America and making new friends, and it would be just plain rude to expect them to buy a ton of different comps and shit just to hear everything. But that is also why this release is only available to people who come out and support! Of course, if you like in the Czech Republic it is a little unreasonable that you could make it to a show, so those living far from the tour should write about how to become a special pen-pal style friend and get a copy of this.
The disc collects everything from the unrelenting World War Zero track to the beat static of Fruit Will Rot 3 to the Sea Door tracks that gave some hippies the wrong idea! Even includes the tape club track and the Captain Ahab remix! EVERYTHING.

Mp3 Sample:
"Rumble Hate" (excerpt)


Available ONLY on the tik///tik / Kevin Shields / Realicide US tour. Click HERE for info.
If you live further than 30 miles from any show, please email us to make arrangements for purchase.

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